This rocky feature about Homer Saddle is a classic in Fiordland for rock climbers, for me, it was a classic for 2021. Have an exhausting utterly draining week, but still want to get out in the mountains so I can destress and feel like a human again. So Erin and I headed to Fiordland thinking about doing Talbot McPherson, although the lack of snow on the 20th of June lead us to think we should go for a rock climb instead.
However, after an exhausting week, all I really wanted to do was stay in bed and cry. So safe to say I just wasn't really feeling it. Made it up to Homer Saddle, and managed a pitch and a half on the rock of the mate. Me on lead after several months of no climbing as everything stalled when I started my job. I couldn't find a way I was comfortable going up and Erin had already tried. Few tense moments trying to downclimb back to the last gear (also couldn't get any gear in) I'm exhausted and over it. I don't feel any better for going into the hills. Although Norm helped when he flew in to check us out.

View from above Homer Saddle

Beautiful kea feathers and a hook grass seed hitching a ride

Norm - yes that's actually his name as identified by his band on the Kea Sightings website, it's his feathers in the above photo, he was happy to get pretty close.

Norm admiring the view

Norm provides great texture in black and white also

Norm was pretty cool