Jamie setting up the first access abseil

A classic Aotearoa landscape, check out the excellent dusting of snow on those mountain tops!

Jamie leads the first climb, looks almost like he climbed directly out of the broiling mess of the ocean

West Coast views!

Jamie points out the traversing and climbing cracks of Shark's Breakfast to Ben and Luke. Much of the afternoon was spent on this iconic route, and while the sea did get, thankfully no sharks!

All 6 climbers, 1 photo

An intrepid trio starting out on Shark's Breakfast, as the waves threaten to get the route and mid-belay station wet.

When you don't know what to do, so your belayer climbs up beside you to offer advice!

Weekend self-portrait

Jamie makes progress

Alone with the waves

Jamie nearly gets wet at the mid-belay station... among other things happening in this photo. It's almost the Where's Wally of Charleston

Tidy looking traverse line

Love the power of the waves on the rocks!

Helen bossing it as always

And we just missed sunset on the drive back through Castle Hill, but still an epic lookout

Castle Hill, snow and wispy cloud! Some would say it's bouldering season, I'm still waiting for ski season!