That is a nice boulder! What would you name him?

I love running water

Very cool water, but shame about the spots on the lens

Has to be one of the coolest tracks, love the West Coast bush!!

First view of the summit above bushline

The West Coast really in magic, this mist came in and made it seem like we were the only ones there.

The ridge we came up, vanishing in the mist

This ridge was epic

I mean just look at it!

What a campsite

Talk about a great spot for dinner

Campsite bliss

Oli needed to turn his back to the view to focus on dinner

Sunset on the West Coast lasts such a long and glorious time. Always end up with way too many photos

And a sea of mist

Glorious walls of this gorge

Was very hard to go to bed when that's the view

Checking out the point

Oli at camp as the last of the sunset fades

Kea takes flight the next morning. A bunch of them came in to say hi, but predictably this is the only semi-decent one.

Oli enjoys the river. It's not actually necessary to get this wet on the trip, although depending on flow you should probably anticipate wet boots!