30th of June to 1st of July 2018. Solo Trip up to Bealey Spur Hut and exploring along the ridge to Triangle Peak. Originally I had hoped to go further, however, it was pretty cold and windy and the snow was fairly pluggy so decided it would be far more enjoyable to start a fire in the hut instead. Was lovely to get in the hills despite a limited forecast and not many keen punters. Great to spend some time on my own, but also nice to have a surprise visit from an acquaintance and a few of his buddies later in the evening.
The scenery was quite striking, but I don't think any of the photos I took really do it justice.

Looking down into the Waimakariri from half way up.

Klondike Corner

Bealey Spur Hut and one of the many day hikers who visited that day

The Waimakariri Valley in snow as the front runner of the next storm appears over the hills

The beautiful hoar frost on the ridge, sorry for poor quality image, my fingers were too cold to adjust the settings on the camera!

Looking back down Bealey Spur, the hut is in the far end of the top clearing, the alpine lakes in the next clearing down were half frozen and stunning

Closer photo of the clearing with the hut and the alpine lakes