There's a real art to packing a ski touring pack - as demonstrated by David.

David, once finally packed, searching for snow

The way to Camp Stream Hut, scene of several previous ski touring adventures for me, but it was exciting to try something new and there wouldn't have been the snow to ski from Camp Stream this season.

Rex Simpson Hut

MacKenzie country under the night sky, one of the few night photos I've semi-pulled off. The very bright lights just right of centre are Shona and Graham approaching.

It's Big Sky Country around here.

What you can see in this photo is an injured Shona being piggy backed on skis by Graham. There was an optimal gradient for this method of transport. - don't try it at home!

Sunset as we arrived back at the Hut

David, with the wine and all of the cheese!

Graham and David on the walk out, Graham is also carrying Shona's skis.

David is very photogenic in a variety of settings.