Setting out up the Hodder River, many river crossings ahead, but much warmer than last time I was here!

Lovely mossy waterfall was a stark contrast to the very rocky Kaikouras

Nick crosses the river!

On the track that avoids the gorge in the upper Hodder, not long before Hodder Huts, our destination for the night

Dave, Dad, Nick and Henry on the route to Tapi the next morning

Dad, Gillian and Ian, on the lower slopes of Tapi

Dad, Gillian and Ian. Ian has the coolest Ice Axe

Mt Alarm, which is what you can see on the walk in. Looking at it we were a bit concerned about a lack of snow, but the mist soon came and hide it from view. No problem!

And we did find enough snow to make it worth carrying the crampons and ice axes! And trudge uphill in a big long line. Anna, Henry, Nick, Dad, Gillian and Ian

Nick wants to go up there! Last view we had of the summit!

Summit party, thanks to Helen for her very instrumental role in getting everyone to this point (slings in evidence!)
Anna, Dave, Henry, Dad, Helen, Nick and Gillian. Unfortunately Ian broke a crampon, so was not able to join for the final push and Anne decided the saddle not far off made an excellent summit for the day (the view was the same =P)

Nick is far more intent on this pose than Helen

Descending of Tapi with the mist giving the illusion of atmosphere and hard core! Dad, Helen, Gillian, Dave, Henry and at the bottom in the mist, Anna.

Gillian thrilled to have successfully summited Tapi, which she can see from her local mountain, Mt Kaukau in Wellington!

Nick is sort of thrilled, but would have been more thrilled if we were rock climbing, preferably grade 20+!

Each to their own on the descent, Helen is having a chill time with a selfie instead of an ice axe!

Hodder Huts, which we divided into Adults Hut (Left) and the Kids Hut (Right). The right one is much cuter!

Helen and Anne try to act natural for a photo inside the kids hut

Anne and Dave inside the kids hut

Dad and I failed to get a summit photo together, so we got one at the Huts instead. Photo credit Nick Dragunow

Leaving the Huts for the many river crossings to get back to our cars!

Dave crosses the river

Nick crosses the river again

Anne and Helen cross the river

Another father daughter photo, I blame the photographer for not alerting me to the fact I have chocolate on my face. Photo credit Nick Dragunow

A view of Tapi as we head away home! Would have been nice to know what this view looks like in reverse.

Maps, we arrived in separate dribs and drabs and walked into Hodder Huts on the Friday, had a civilised start on Saturday, as far as mountaineering goes and returned to the huts for the night and walking out on the Sunday!