Timelapse of me lead climbing, at least until a piece of ice fell down and knocked the camera over... maybe this is why it has recently stopped working?!

In the ice cave

Paul on the pointy end and Eoin on belay - this was like day 3, most photos are off this climb because I spent the rest of the time focussing on climbing, not photography.

Paul taking a rest

Paul in action

Very scenic route!

Getting that axe swing!

From our perspective it looks a bit easier here, it's not really.

As Paul nears the top, Eoin is becoming steadily more anxious about leading the thing next.

But after a false start here he is, on the pointy end. With me on belay. Thanks to Paul for taking over photography duties.

Eoin making steady progress.

And then I'm off the ground seconding.

Trying to get a good accurate swing, is still a work in progress.

I'm even working on it in black and white.

The lads up showing us how it's done next.

Wye creek in snow also makes for a beautiful tramp.