On a day off from working in Queenstown in May 2023, I set out with Jenny and Adam to explore the ridge above Moke Lake along to Mt Crichton. We never made it as far along the range as Mt Crichton as the conditions weren't great. They were, however, excellent for photography, mostly of Moke Lake itself.
Moke Lake reflecting the sky

I feel it's not often you see the sky in a lake like this.

Moke Lake reflecting the sky

It allows you to take slightly mind-bending photos where an almost unreal tongue of land seems to reach into the sky itself.

Moke Lake reflecting the sky

This one too

Moke Lake reflecting the sky

Such a Central Otago vista, it's currently making me slightly homesick

Black and White photo of mountains in harsh sunlight

As always I love to play with the light in the mountains and Central Otago is such a great backdrop for this

Black and White Moke Lake reflecting the sky and a gust of wind

Another one of Moke Lake, I don't like the composition as much as above, but I do love that you can see the gust of wind on the last

Black and White image of Hidden Island

Is it just me? Or does Hidden Island look like a submarine? I tried to lean into this with the helicopter on the hill and the rough surface of the lake. To me the black and white makes me envisage this scene as an alternate reality where Queenstown is at war

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