So the mountains said no, to an Olivines mission, so Max and I cracked a plan for a super fast trip through some rough country from Moraine Creek to Tutoko Valley, via Turner's Eyre. We were subsequently joined by Joel and Katherine the night before the trip.
However, upon heading into the hills we ended up moving a bit slower than planned, given the rough terrain, the slab and the mist and drizzle. All in all as we approached the glacier it was becoming clear that we weren't going to make it to Turner's Eyre before dark and it wasn't particularly a place we wanted to be approaching after dark.
This left us with a bit of a conundrum as our lightweight packing hadn't really taken that eventuality into account. Fortuitously Max knew of a tent located under a rock in our vicinity. This being located we set about pitching it, using most of the peg to repair the broken poles. And then re-repair the poles after it got caught by a breeze during the pitching process.
Shortly afterwards we squished all 4 of us in the mouldy 2 man space and tried to sleep for the night. Oddly reminiscent of the GODZone Fiordland attempt. The next morning we turned tail and missioned it back out in similarly misty and drizzle conditions and arriving back at the car sometime after night fall after adventures on the Moraine Creek track, that certainly was never intended to be followed in the dark.
Thanks to Max Olsen, Katherine Sarcich and Joel. 7th-8th January 2019.

A three wire bridge start our adventure

Misty Fiordland rainforest

Slightly higher up in the misty Fiordland rainforest!

Max enjoying the creek based travel

A waterfall blocks our route

Entertaining travel around the waterfall....

And up the ferns we go!

View out enroute!

Some of the more interesting travel, lower in the gully, before it got even more interesting higher up!

Atmospheric Rainbow Lake

Rainbow Lake

And more Rainbow Lake...

First Glimpse of Te Puoho Glacier

Slab and glacier

The weather was playing with the view.

Te Puoho Glacier lake

Slab and a view!

Puddles and a view!

Clouds and light!

At camp, with our surprise mouldy 2 man tent for the night!

Great light from camp

This one!!

Having a quick wander to check out the views

Retreating back down where we had come up the previous day, was interesting with the lack of visibility

Katherine above Rainbow Lake

3 wire bridge at night! - this one too!

Katherine, Max, Penzy and Joel, having survived and made it back to the car... finally!

Map of where we went! You'll have to wait for us to complete the mission to see where we intended to go =)

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